Investor Advocacy and Representation
What are Your Rights? Where do You go from Here?
It Might be Time to Talk to a Stock Fraud Lawyer.
You Trusted Them with More than Just Your Money. You Trusted Them with Your Future, Your Retirement, Your Legacy. Scott Lane can Help.
If you suspect that you’ve been defrauded by your stockbroker or have been sold an unsuitable investment strategy, The Law Office of Scott A. Lane can help you get the relief you deserve. Scott brings decades of experience as a stock fraud lawyer working on both sides of conflicts to help protect the rights of his clients. And, he can help you resolve your case, recoup your losses and move on.

Areas of Investor Representation
Securities arbitration presents considerable advantages to customers because the process is quicker, cheaper and less burdensome than court litigation.
While most disputes relating to investments are subject to arbitration, there are some situations where the proceeding must be brought in court.
Mediation is an informal, voluntary and non-binding process where each party has an opportunity to tell their story to an impartial and neutral mediator.
Warnings Signs of Broker Misconduct
Beware of Investment Scams Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Every crisis brings out those who prey on the fears related to that crisis. Scams related to the COVID-19 Pandemic range from email phishing schemes to charity scams to investment scams. As with any investment, research and common sense are the keys.
Where to Begin
Litigating a securities claim can be complex. Contact me for a free, no-obligation evaluation of your case. I’ll arrange a meeting with you to discuss your concerns, answer your questions, explain your rights and help determine if you have a case. Learn more about what to expect and where to begin.